Archive for the ‘Blair’ Tag

Inaugural rant and that secretive MP

Monday, May 21st, 2007

Here’s an idea: I’ll work for you. I’ll work for your area and the interests of your community. You tell me what’s going well and where there are problems, and I’ll do my best to fix what’s broken, improve life for you, and make sure you are represented when decisions are made which affect you. In return, you’ll all club together and pay me a salary to do this job. In a very literal sense I will work for you. You are the boss. What’s more, when I’m working for you, and, you know, incur expenses like train fares, hotel bills, quad bikes and the like, I’ll let you – the boss – know about it and look at my claims form. After all, it’s your money I’m spending. Sound reasonable? Apparently not to Conservative MP David Maclean, whose amendment to the Freedom of Information bill was passed by the House of Commons in May 2007. [Read more...]